Beating The Winter Blues

Studies reveal that the winter blues affects around 2 million people in the UK and more than 12 million people across northern Europe. It can affect people of any age, including children.

Symptoms include:

  • depression

  • poor sleep

  • lethargy

  • overeating

  • irritability

  • feeling low

  • feeling unsociable

Good self-care is essential this time of year, eating well, and getting plenty of sleep. Embracing nature is good for our mind health too, particularly during winter. I believe there are benefits to mindfully taking our life a little slower during this season, being still and reflecting on our year. Personally, I love nothing more than making a log fire, sitting quietly and reading or going for long walks along the Southdown's near where I live. Winter is a time for transition, easily observed by the change we see in nature but so too, it is a time for us to reflect and grow.

Here I share with you my tips for getting through winter.

Keep active

Research has shown that a daily one-hour walk in the middle of the day could be as helpful as light treatment for coping with the winter blues.

Get outside

Go outdoors in natural daylight as much as possible, especially at midday and on brighter days. Inside your home, choose pale colours that reflect light from outside, and sit near windows whenever you can.

Keep warm

Research reveals that staying warm can reduce the winter blues by half.

Eat healthily

A healthy diet will boost your mood, give you more energy and stop you from putting on weight over winter. Balance your craving for carbohydrates, such as pasta and potatoes, with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables.

Top Up With Vitamins & supplements

Omega 3 to support your brain, heart and vision

Vitamin D to support your bones and immune system

Vitamin C to support your immune system and keep your skin looking healthy

Zinc to support Colds, dry or inflamed skin conditions and immune system

Vitamin B to give you an energy boost

Get some light

Some people find light therapy effective for seasonal depression. One way to get light therapy at home in winter is to sit in front of a light box for up to 2 hours a day.

Light boxes give out very bright light at least 10 times stronger than ordinary home and office lighting.

Some people find that using a dawn simulator [a bedside light, connected to an alarm clock, that mimics a sunrise and wakes you up gradually] as well as a light box can enhance the beneficial effect.

Take up a new hobby

Keeping your mind active with a new interest seems to ward off symptoms of the winter blues. Singing, knitting, joining a gym, keeping a journal. I now have a 21 day digital downloadable journal available that will help you transition, grow and thrive.

See your friends and family

Studies show that socialising is good for your mind health and helps ward off the winter blues. Make an effort to keep in touch with people you care about and accept any invitations you get to social events, even if you only go for a little while. Make the effort.

Talk it through

Be transparent about how you are feeling if you are struggling with your mind health this winter. Talk to a trusted friend about how you are feeling, get support with some counselling and if you are concerned that your mind health is impacting on your day to day, see your GP.

Join a support group

Think about joining a support group. Sharing your experience with others who know what it’s like to struggle with their mind health during winter such as people who suffer with SAD can be a great way to feel connected and share experiences. SADA is the UK’s only registered charity dedicated to SAD. It costs £20 (£10 for concessions) to join, and you’ll receive an information pack, regular newsletters, discounts on products such as light boxes, and contacts for telephone support.


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