A morning routine that will improve your mood

Start your day the gentle way.

A healthy, low-stress, and focused morning routine sets the tone for your whole day. Indeed, When we automate our mornings, we develop habits that soon feel second nature.

Try some breathing when you wake up. The 4/4/4 method is simple and helps you start the day gently by regulating breath and mind. Simply breath in for 4 counts through the mouth, hold your breath for 4 counts and then let go of your breath through your mouth.

Next up, make yourself with love and kindness a cup of hot water and lemon. This has many health benefits and is great way to kick start your morning. It promotes hydration, is a good source of vitamin C, boosts your pottasium levels and is know to improve your skin. 

Lastly, take a moment to think about your day ahead. Affirmations are a great way get your day started on the right foot and prepare you to take action in pursuit of your goals. Positive thinking creates self-improvement and transforms our thought patterns. Try this affirmation 'Today I embody the best version of myself.'


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